¡Hola! So here I am, sat in the sunshine in Lanzarote and having promised myself that this holiday would involve NO work, it hasn’t happened, now I could beat myself up and say I’ve failed……however, it doesn’t work like that does it !

I pulled out all the stops leading up to the big ‘switch off’ and got my very trusty VA up to speed, things could carry on as normal.

Those who know me will be aware of my #lifeblend theory and know that the above was never gonna happen, and to be honest, I wouldn’t want it to.

What I have done, is put my #lifeblend to the test, I’ve answered a few emails, had calls with Pam (my VA), thought about future business plans & impending rebranding and written this blog. Is that a bad thing? Should I be totally stepping away from the business and not giving it a second thought? Who makes those decisions? Who should be telling me what’s right & wrong? Actually, that would be me and I’m blooming glad it is ! This is my business, my choices & my future and I’m happy with where I’ve been & where I’m going.


Again, and I can’t stress this enough, doing what you love, with who you love and at a pace that suits you is THE most important thing. I’ve had a blast with my little #whys, we’ve swam, sunbathed, giggled & loved loved loved our time together (I have of course had the obligatory telling off from Maia whenever I’ve ordered a gin !!!).


I read a great blog by a client of mine (Sara McKee of Evermore Wellbeing) a few days ago and even though the location & intergenerational mix is different, there are still similarities there, take a look here.

I know I may seem lucky or fortunate to have experiences like this but in all honesty, it comes down to what I do outside of this time, the opportunities I take, the people I surround myself with (both in & out of the business) and where I position myself.  It’s there for us all to absorb, take time to step back, imagine what you want and work out how you will get it.

August is nearly done, those with kiddies will be looking forward to the start of the next school year and those who don’t may be looking forward to cheaper flights & holidays !

Me, I’ll be looking forward to jumping back in feet first to some exciting & new times. Big things are on the horizon for some of my clients and I have a rebrand on the cards……watch this space 🙂

Adios Chicos, Jo xx