by | | Business Growth, Event Planning, Get it Done, Growth, Networking, NW VA Conference, Personal Life Management, Team Building
I’ve talked a lot about working with others, about collaborating, networking, recruiting associates, building relationships and creating a solid foundation of people to help you achieve your goals. And now, with the conference literally next week, I’d like to...
by | | Business Growth, Get it Done, Growth, Networking, NW VA Conference, Personal Development, Process, Team Building, Uncategorized
We’re very excited about the NWVA conference and, with less than four weeks to go to our fifth one, I wanted to share a bit of information about this year’s speakers so that you can get a bit excited too! First up is a man I’ve been chasing for a couple of years (in a...
by | | Business Growth, Growth, Networking, NW VA Conference, Personal Development, Testimonials
“There is something you should understand about the way I work. When you need me but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go. It’s rather sad, really, but there it is.” So says Nanny Mcphee at the...
by | | Business Growth, Networking, NW VA Conference, Personal Development, Team Building
It’s been a tough couple of weeks in Manchester; as a city we’re heartbroken by the devastating incident at the Ariana Grande concert recently. But heartbroken doesn’t mean broken, and the city’s response as it rallied to help victims and support the emergency...