Can we help each other?
As you may know, I set up my Virtual Assistant business just over a year ago, I’ve been really fortunate to work with Corporates & Small/Medium Businesses but as we are well into the term of the Coalition Government and entering into a new financial year, the cuts get deeper and deeper and I don’t know of any family that have not been affected or threatened by these cuts in terms of their job security. Even the private sector is struggling to stay profitable with spiraling costs of fuel and raw materials.
More people than ever are finding themselves either out of work, or with the threat of losing their job and so are turning to self employment. There are many Government initiatives out there to support budding entrepreneurs but it is controversial. Gone are grants, now replaced by loans. Taking on liability when starting out is not advisable, but it may be really the only option out there right now.
The Government are also pushing volunteer mentoring, encouraging existing businesses to support those thinking of starting up. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement as those who have been there and got the t shirt feel like they are giving something back and those who are starting out feel less daunted and more confident having this backing.
The Coalition are also strongly encouraging those on long term benefits to start up if they are unable to find work, many find this a great compromise, so having some financial support to bridge the gap as well as a mentor is invaluable
Unfortunately the Government are heavily biased in helping young people, as their support is weighted towards the 18-30 market, which is ostracising the over 50s, who are another large group finding getting work nigh on impossible, but with plenty to give in terms of experience and enthusiasm.
The types of businesses being started are extremely varied from cleaners, to IT specialists, business consultants and builders, to cake makers, shop owners……..the list goes on. It is important that small businesses come together to help each other, work as associates, outsource work that they don’t have time to do which in turn gives another business work. The small business sector actually employs more people than the public sector and should not be overlooked as a major contributor to our economy
So the more enterprises that can be started and that become successful means that the country can slowly crawl away from being in recession to booming and people will be self sufficient, making their own way, earning enough to give them a decent standard of living and also having job satisfaction, pulling them out of poverty because they can earn more than the minimum wage
Most people don’t want to conquer the World or become the next Dragon, they just want a modest income without the constant threat of redundancy. This can be achieved quite easily and there are plenty of opportunities to be had out there. Despite the media hype, there are people with money who are happy to pay other people to do what they can’t do or simply don’t want to do.
Those of us who have become established have a duty to help and support those starting out. The chain effect is that if we are all successful and busy this generates more work that can be passed on and outsourced thus supporting another business
As I feel so passionately about this I have started a LinkedIn group and would love you to join it and offer your tips to new businesses on “Business dos and don’ts”, plus share your tips and what you wish you had been told when you had just set up so please visit the group here and share your thoughts